
No previous first aid experience is necessary to become a CFR as full training is provided by the Ambulance Service along with regular team sessions to keep skills at a high level.

This training covers:

·       Basic Life Support (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation)

·       Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

·       Oxygen therapy

·       Using various diagnostic tools to help assess a patient

·       Giving a professional handover to Ambulance crews upon arrival

Management of medical emergencies such as:

·       Heart Attack

·       Stroke

·       Anaphylaxis

·       Hypoglycemia

·       Burns

·       Bites & Stings

·       Fitting

·       Trauma

In addition to this foundational training, we also aim to build anatomical knowledge as this can help with our assessment of patients.

Each new responder must complete a formal assessment at the end of their training and commit to regular ongoing training and refresher sessions.


CFR's carry a response bag with essential first aid equipment along with oxygen and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). 

This equipment is heavy so a basic level of fitness is necessary. 

Contact Us

Email: admin@weybridge-responders.co.uk

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